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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 2240
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018Project Management in SchoolsYemini, Miri
2018Angular 5 ProjectsLearn to Build Single Page Web Applications Using 70+ ProjectsClow, Mark
2018AlignClient andProviderPerspectivesBest Practices in IT OutsourcingHaas, Lionel
2018Agile Office 365Successful Project Delivery Practices for an Evolving PlatformCroitoru, Haniel
2018African Diaspora Direct InvestmentEstablishing the Economic and Socio-cultural RationaleHack-Pola, Dieu
2018Advances and Impacts of the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving The TRIZ Methodology, Tools and Case StudiesKoziołek ·, Sebastian
2018Accounting for Sustainability: Asia Paci c PerspectivesSchaltegger, Stefan
20188th International Conference on Engineering, Project, and Product Management (EPPM 2017)Şahin, Sümer
2016Youngsters Solving Mathematical Problems with TechnologyCarreira, Susana
2016Topics and Methods for Urban and Landscape DesignRoberta IngaramoAngioletta Voghera EditorsFrom the river to the projectIngaramo, Roberta
399Society - Water - Technology A Critical Appraisal of Major Water Engineering ProjectsF. Hüttl, Reinhard
2016The Value Imperative Harvesting Value from Your IT InitiativesG. Grant, Gerald
2014Agile!Bertrand MeyerThe Good, the Hype and the UglMeyer, Bertrand
2016The Glubb Reports: GlubbPasha and Britain’sEmpire Project in theMiddle East 1920–1956Bradshaw, Tancred
2016The Art of ScrumHow Scrum Masters Bind Dev Teams and Unleash AgilityMcKenna, Dave
2016The AgileConsultant Guiding Clientsto Enterprise AgilityFreedman, Rick
2016Tamed AgilityMatthias BookVolker GruhnRüdiger Striemer Pragmatic Contracting and Collaboration in Agile Software ProjectsBook, Matthias
2016Sustainable LinaLina Bo Bardi’s Adaptive Reuse ProjectsCondello, Annette
2016Success and Failure of IS/IT ProjectsA State of the Art Analysis and Future DirectionsHughes, D. Laurie
2016Can a City Be Sustainable?Gardner, Gary
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 2240