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Title: Reflection High-Energy Electron Diffraction
Authors: Ichimiya, Ayahiko
I. Cohen, Philip
Keywords: Reflection high energy electron diffraction
Issue Date: 2004
Publisher: Cambridge
Description: Reflection high-energy electron diffraction (RHEED) is widely used for surface structural analysis in monitoring epitaxial growth. The purposes of this book are to serve as an introduction to RHEED for beginners and to describe detailed experimental and theoretical treatments for experts. This book consists of three parts. From Chapter 1 to Chapter 8 the principles of electron diffraction and many examples of RHEED patterns are described for beginners. Chapters 9–14 and Chapter 16 give detailed descriptions of RHEED theory. The third part consists of applications of RHEED. In Chapter 15, methods for the determination of atomic structures of surfaces using RHEED are explained with some examples. Chapters 17 and 18 give detailed descriptions of RHEED in the study of surface disordering and epitaxial growth. In Chapter 19 we describe RHEED intensity oscillations for various growth systems.
ISBN: 0 521 45373 9
0 521 45373 9
Appears in Collections:Chemistry

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