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Title: Reaction Kinetics: Exercises, Programs and Theorems
Authors: Tóth, János
Nagy, Attila László
Papp, Dávid
Keywords: Chemistry
Issue Date: 2018
Publisher: Springer Science+Business Media, LLC
Description: More than a quarter of a century ago the senior author (JT) published a book with Péter Érdi on the mathematical models of chemical reactions. Before and after writing that book (and having courses and seminars at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics and at the Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest) we realized that it is almost impossible to do anything in the theory and applications of chemical kinetics without using the computer, even if one is mainly interested in symbolic calculations. Luckily, all three of the present authors learned and taught Mathematica from relatively early on, cf. Szili and Tóth; therefore it was quite natural to use this extremely powerful and providently designed language for our purposes. From time to time we wrote codes to solve problems in reaction kinetics, for the simulation of the usual stochastic model (what we have started well before, in the beginning of the seventies of the last century), or for the decomposition of overall reactions, or for biological modeling. As our programs started to be used by other people we realized that it would be useful to make it available to a wider audience
ISBN: 978-1-4939-8643-9
Appears in Collections:Chemistry

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