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Title: Scaling Algorithms, Applications and Systems
Authors: Academic, Kluwer
Keywords: data mining, parallel processing, classification, scalability, decision trees
Issue Date: 2002
Publisher: Created in the United States of America
Abstract: Classification decision tree algorithms are used extensively for data mining in many domains such as retail target marketing, fraud detection, etc. Highly parallel algorithms for constructing classification decision trees are desirable for dealing with large data sets in reasonable amount of time. Algorithms for building classification decision trees have a natural concurrency, but are difficult to parallelize due to the inherent dynamic nature of the computation. In this paper, we present parallel formulations of classification decision tree learning algorithm based on induction. We describe two basic parallel formulations. One is based on 6\QFKURQRXV7UHH&RQVWUXFWLRQ $SSURDFK and the other is based on 3DUWLWLRQHG7UHH &RQVWUXFWLRQ$SSURDFK We discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using these methods and propose a hybrid method that employs the good features of these methods. We also provide the analysis of the cost of computation and communication of the proposed hybrid method. Moreover, experimental results on an IBM SP-2 demonstrate excellent speedups and scalability.
ISBN: 0-306-47011-X
Appears in Collections:Building Construction

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