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Title: univeRSitY PHYSiCSWitH moDeRn PHYSiCS
Authors: D. Young, HugH
Keywords: physics
Issue Date: 2016
Description: Since its first edition, University Physics has been renowned for its emphasis on fundamental principles and how to apply them. This text is known for its clear and thorough narrative and for its uniquely broad, deep, and thoughtful set of worked examples—key tools for developing both conceptual understanding and problem-solving skills. The Fourteenth Edition improves the defining features of the text while adding new features influenced by physics education research. A focus on visual learning, new problem types, and pedagogy informed by MasteringPhysics metadata headline the improvements designed to create the best learning resource for today’s physics students. 34
ISBN: 10: 0-321-97361-5
Appears in Collections:Education Planning & Management(EDPM)

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