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Showing results 458 to 477 of 81962 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
198088 Physiology biochemistry and pharmacologyAdrian, R. H.
20188th International Conference on Engineering, Project, and Product Management (EPPM 2017)Şahin, Sümer
2014The 8th International Conference on Robotic, Vision, Signal Processing & Power Applications Innovation Excellence Towards Humanistic TechnologyTafir Mustaffa, Mohd
20109 Springer Series on Fluorescence Methods and ApplicationsWolfbeis, O.S
20189 th Edition Rosen’s Emergency Medicine Concepts and Clinical PracticeHockberger, Robert S. , MD
20079 Topics in Heterocyclic ChemistryGupta, R. R.
20079 Topics in Heterocyclic ChemistryEnders, D
198190 Physiology biochemistry and pharmacologyAdrian, R. H.
198191 Physiology biochemistry and pharmacologyAdrian, R. H.
198292 Physiology biochemistry and pharmacologyAdrian, R. H.
198594 Physiology biochemistry and pharmacologyAdrian, R. H.
198397 Physiology biochemistry and pharmacologyAdrian, R. H.
2015978-3-319-14023-0Ribeiro, Caue
2006978-3-540-26562-7Green, M.A
200698 Advances in Biochemical Engineering 1 BiotechnologyScheper, T
198499 Physiology biochemistry and pharmacologyAdrian, R. H.
20159th Congress on Electronic Structure: Principles and Applications (ESPA 2014)G . Truhlar, Donald
20159th WCEAM Research PapersEchendu, Joe Amadi