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dc.descriptionThis participants’ note is a detailed handout that accompanies the facilitators’ and participants’ guide of the gender training manual. The participants’ note will be used as a reading and reference material for those interested in cascading the training to lower levels of health workforce. This note contains seven modules and different sessions. The participants’ note builds on various tools and methodologies prepared by other organizations to mainstream gender into overall programs in the health sector. It takes into consideration the sensitivities and challenges that training on gender poses. Both men and women who participate in gender training may not be aware of the values and norms they have been socialized. The training provides an opportunity to assess these.The success of any gender training is whether individuals challenge the status quo as society believes it and as they practice it in their daily lives. Addressing gender is challenging and requires support at all levels. To ensure that the gender training is not abstract and complicated, it utilizes theoretical models for the practical understanding and application based on the participants experience as practitioners and direct actors as one or the other gender.en_US
dc.subjectgender, health sectoren_US
dc.title.alternativePARTICIPANTS’ NOTEen_US
dc.typeCourse Moduleen_US
Appears in Collections:Gender in Health Sector

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