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Title: Carl Auer von Welsbach
Other Titles: Chemist, Inventor, Entrepreneur
Authors: Adunka, Roland
Orna, Mary Virginia
Keywords: Chemistry
Issue Date: 2018
Publisher: Springer International Publishing AG
Description: When we look at the lives of our political leaders, their deeds, skills, successes, in war and in peace, the course of their lives, and their personalities, their achievements inspire us so much that their faults and failings are often obscured. On the contrary, how often are the great personalities of science and invention overlooked, working as they often do in the shadows far removed from the paths of power and influence. At the same time, their work, slowly permeating, or suddenly expanding into our consciousness, begins to define our culture. Rarely does a picture, or a street name, or even more rarely, a brief mention at school, remind us of someone whose genius and diligence actually changed our very way of life.
ISBN: 978-3-319-77905-8
Appears in Collections:Chemistry

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