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dc.contributor.authorBoer, Roland-
dc.contributor.editorPaul Blackledge, Leeds – Sébastien Budgen, Paris Michael Krätke, Lancaster – Stathis Kouvelakis, London – Marcel van der Linden, Amsterdam China Miéville, London – Paul Reynolds, Lancashire Peter Thomas, Amsterdamen_US
dc.descriptionThis book is both a commentary and an engagement. It is a critical commentary on what some leading Marxist critics have written about religion, especially Christianity in some form or other. It is also an engagement with their work, showing where it falls short, but, above all, seeking out what might be drawn from their work for the continuation and reassessment of the Marxist project itself. In other words, I explicitly seek to develop a position of my own in the midst of my close interaction with their work. I have long since ceased to be surprised at how often and how extensively these Marxists refl ect upon and write about religion. More often than not, I assume that they have done so and invariably track down the texts in question. Often, they turn out to be the more neglected or forgotten elements of their work, a volume quietly shelved in the obscure section of a second-hand bookshop, or perhaps a section or chapter in a larger work that is passed over in silence. Yet they are there, and often far more extensive than most have imagined.en_US
dc.subjectPhilosophical theology.en_US
dc.titleCriticism of Religion On Marxism and Theology, IIen_US
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