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Title: The International Law of Responsibility for Economic Crimes Holding State Officials Individually Liable for Acts of Fraudulent Enrichment
Authors: Kofele-Kale, Ndiva
Keywords: Economic Crimes
Issue Date: 2006
Publisher: British Library Cataloguing
Description: The problem of ‘Grand’ Corruption (I prefer the term ‘indigenous spoliation’ or ‘patrimonicide’ because both capture the exceptional gravity and magnitude of the plunder of national resources that takes place), the misuse of public power by highranking state officials for private gain, has finally been ‘outed.’ The veil that once shrouded this subject from public view, particularly the probing view of multilateral institutions and national legislatures, is now lifted. It has taken over ten years to get here
ISBN: 13: 978 0 7546 4757 7
Appears in Collections:Education Planning & Management(EDPM)

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