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dc.contributor.authorHan   Zhang-
dc.contributor.editorYang   Zhong-
dc.descriptionThere are three rivers passing through the city of Ningbo: the Yuyao River ( Yuyao jiang), the Fenghua River ( Fenghua jiang), and the Yong River ( Yong jiang). The place where the three rivers converge is called the Sanjiangkou (the confl uence of three rivers). The traditional downtown of Ningbo is located on the south bank of the Sanjiangkou, where the Ningbo Prefecture ( Ningbo fu) used to exist before the Republican era, while the north bank used to be called the Jiangbei’ an, which literally translates to “the north bank.” On the north bank, on the waterfront along the Yong River is a place with a rather romantic name: Laowaitan or “the old bund.” This forms a narrow south-north corridor between the Yong River and People’s Road ( renmin lu) and stretches from the New Bridge ( xin jiang qiao) to the Ningbo Museum of Art ( Ningbo meishuguan) for approximately a kilome- ter; in width it is often as narrow as 60 meters. Getting to Laowaitan is not diffi cult. If you cross the New Bridge from the south bank of the Sanjiangkou, you will fi rst see a spectacular Catholic cathedral in Gothic style. Around the cathedral stand a few restaurants. The history of all these buildings dates back to modern times. If you con- tinue walking north of the cathedral, after passing through the bridge approach of the Yong River Bridge ( Yong jiang daqiao) from underneath, you will see several commercial blocks in trendy designs and a fashionable or even petty-bourgeois ( xiaozi) atmosphere. Here, on an arch heading south lies the entrance to the Laowaitan.-
dc.subjectNew Urban Spacesen_US
dc.titleChina’s Local Entrepreneurial State and New Urban Spacesen_US
Appears in Collections:Population Studies

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