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dc.contributor.authorCarly Guest-
dc.contributor.editorBeatrice Halsaa, Sasha Roseneil, Sevil Sümer-
dc.descriptionI can remember thinking in the early 1970s, when I was writing Women, Resistance and Revolution , that if you were part of history you could write a full account. In retrospect this appears naïve. For, however much material you collect and read, you are going to select. In ordering chaos to create shape and structure, we inevitably ignore and exclude. To remember is an advantage because it gives an understanding of the context in which ideas and actions developed. But memory can also play tricks with perspective, because you are distanced from some lines of argument and embroiled still in others. (Rowbotham 1989 : xi–xii) Sheila Rowbotham’s refl ections on writing Women, Resistance and Revolution remind us of how historical events are retold in the form of incomplete and particular narratives. Th ese narratives are always shaped through capricious and specifi c personal and collective memories. Th e personal and political entanglements of the teller off er diff erent perspectives of an event or period, as they bring specifi c details into view to a greater or lesser extent. Whilst multiple threads form the stories told about feminism and its histories, attempts to trace and gather these threads have all too often, and perhaps unsurprisingly, off ered overarching and reductive accounts that risk the erasure and invalidation of the very events they attempt to represent.-
dc.publisherPalgrave Macmillanen_US
dc.titleBecoming Feministen_US
Appears in Collections:Population Studies

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