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dc.contributor.editorJon Anson Marc Luy-
dc.descriptionThere has been a recent resurgence in mortality studies, and the annual, or biannual meetings of the EAPS Health, Morbidity and Mortality Working Group have become an important venue for European and other researchers to meet, share and discuss their findings. This introductory chapter presents a brief overview of some of the main themes in current mortality research, and discusses such questions as the meaning of published mortality measures and the relationship between period and cohort life tables. In the second part, we present a summary discussion of the 12 papers in the current volume Research in mortality has experienced an impressive resurgence in the past few years. Harris (2010) in her Presidential Address to the 2009 PAA reported that “[o]ver the past 7 years, submissions to Health and Mortality have increased by 50 %” and we are feeling a similar upsurge in Europe. Whether this is due to the encouraging increase in life expectancy, at least in the developed world, to the growing availability of good data, software and hardware for analysis or merely to the growth of a new generation of demographers is hard to say. Whatever the reason, the result is a rapid increase in the number of on-going studies in mortality, leading to a situation in which many scholars work on similar topics, often unaware of similar research conducted by other researchers at other places. The present volume presents work from a cross section of the major themes of this research, and in this introduction we shall attempt to locate these themes within the broader context of recent writings in the field.-
dc.titleMortality in an International Perspectiveen_US
Appears in Collections:Population Studies

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