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Title: Local and Regional Development
Authors: Andy Pike, Andrés Rodríguez-Pose and John Tomaney
Keywords: Regional economics
Issue Date: 2006
Publisher: Routledge
Description: Local and regional development is an increasingly global issue. For localities and regions, the challenge of enhancing prosperity, improving well-being and increasing living standards has become acute for localities and regions formerly considered discrete parts of the ‘developed’ and ‘developing’ worlds. Amid concern over the definitions and sustainability of ‘development’, a spectre has emerged of deepened unevenness and sharpened inequalities in the development prospects for particular social groups and territories. Local and Regional Development engages and addresses the key questions: what are the principles and values that shape definitions and strategies of local and regional development? What are the conceptual and theoretical frameworks capable of understanding and interpreting local and regional development? What are the main policy interventions and instruments? How do localities and regions attempt to effect development in practice? What kinds of local and regional development should we be pursuing?
ISBN: 978–0–203–00306–0
Appears in Collections:Regional and Local Development Studies

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