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dc.contributor.authorSuárez-Orozco, Carola-
dc.contributor.editorMarcelo Suárez-Orozco-
dc.descriptionT h e cu r r e nt st ud y exp l o r es t he re l a t i o n of ac cu l t u r a t i on to ge nd er ro l e at t i t u des and be ha vi o r am o ng Br az i l i an i m m i gr ant f am i l i es i n th e Uni t ed S t a t es . Fur t h er , t he se pr oc es ses ( acc ul tu ra t io n, ge nd er ro le at ti tu d es an d be ha vi or ) ar e in ve st i ga t ed i n rel at i on t o mar i t al ad ju st me n t.-
dc.publisherLFB Scholarly Publishing LLCen_US
dc.subjectBrazilian Americans--Social conditionsen_US
dc.titleChanging gender roles : recent immigration and American societyen_US
Appears in Collections:Gender

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