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dc.contributor.authorBrada, Josef C.-
dc.contributor.editorWojciech Bien´ kowski Josef C. Brada and Mariusz-Jan Radło-
dc.descriptionThe aim of this book is to examine whether the recent economic, social and political developments in the European Union and its member states should lead to a change in our perception that the European ability to compete effectively with the United States and with the emerging economies is the fundamental social and policy question facing Europeans. European Union member states have always sought to share a common vision of an economic and social model that would be a blueprint for all of them to follow, one that would make Europe both prosperous and different from other parts of the world. For many Europeans, and for many years, the blueprint was what we would call the ‘European social model’, a system based on a high level of social protection, social dialogue and public services to cover activities vital for social cohesion. Nonetheless, economic and political developments in the 1990s and after 2000 made the blueprint less clear and attractive. The crisis of the Western European welfare state, and the subsequent economic reforms stemming from the crisis, led to changes in the economic and social models of the EU member states and gave rise to a debate about the viability of the European social model. The debate became even more complex and dynamic after successive Eastern enlargements of the Union. These made the Union more diverse, not only in economic terms but also in political terms. The new member states, especially those of Central and Eastern Europe, have come a long and impressive way from communism to the market economy and membership in the EU. However, what they discovered in the Union immediately after their accession were struggles with the inefficiencies of the European market economy model to which they had had to adjust. Only one year after the first Eastern enlargement, a major European project for making the Union the most competitive economy in the world by 2010 had to be scaled down as European ambitions met economic realities-
dc.publisherPalgrave Macmillanen_US
dc.titleGrowth versus Securityen_US
Appears in Collections:Environmental and Development Studies

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