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dc.contributor.advisorCandice Stevens-
dc.descriptionI was pleased to Chair this interesting workshop as an ongoing part of the OECD cross-cutting project on reforming environmentally harmful subsidies, under the auspices of the OECD Annual Meeting of Sustainable Development Experts (AMSDE). This workshop focused – as the third in a series of workshops on subsidy reform – on the political economy of reforming environmentally harmful subsidies. This was a workshop in which we moved beyond the technical aspects of the implications of certain kinds of subsidies on the environment, to instead discuss the difficult issue of how to implement reform of these subsidies, i.e. moving from the “what” to the “how”. In addition to both a contextual review of frameworks for assessing subsidies and a closing panel discussion, seven case studies were considered, covering aspects of subsidies related to agriculture, fisheries, coal, enterprise zones and transportation. These sectors were well chosen for this workshop, as subsidies in these same sectors have already been considered in previous sessions in terms of the nature of their linkages to the environment, as well as the application of a “checklist approach” to evaluating the role of subsidies in these sectors’ policy tool-kits. This analysis is well outlined in Environmentally Harmful Subsidies: Challenges for Reform (OECD, 2005), which shows that the potential benefits from subsidy reform in these sectors are large.-
dc.subjectEnvironmental aspects.en_US
dc.titleSubsidy Reform and Sustainable Developmenten_US
Appears in Collections:Environmental and Development Studies

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