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dc.contributor.authorP. W, Abeles-
dc.descriptionThe first edition of this book was already sold out in 1969 but the authors postponed preparing a new edition until the British Unified Code, which has become CP110, and the new American Building Code 1971 had appeared. However, Mr Turner, who works both as a consulting engineer and as a senior member of a contracting firm, was occupied in these capacities to such an extent that he was unable to continue in carrying out the work. Mr Bardhan-Roy joined as the second author and he and the first author completed the revision and amplified also those parts already previously revised. For future editions, Mr Bardhan-Roy will become the sole co-author. His co-operation made it possible for a great number of new examples to be incorporated since he is a partner of the firm Jan Bobrowski and Partners, consulting engineers in Great Britain and Canada (Calgary). Quite a number of new examples of precast members (double-T beams) and other examples such as the precast roof structure at Doncaster Grandstand have been included. Special problems as the use of lightweight concrete and the fire resistance of prestressed concrete with which the first and second authors have been concerned for some time have been investigated.en_us
dc.publisherTaylor & Francis Routledgeen_US
dc.subjectPrestressed Concrete Designer'sen_US
dc.titlePrestressed Concrete Designer's Handbook 3Rd Ed.en_US
Appears in Collections:Building Construction

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