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dc.contributor.authorLawrence B. Slobodkin-
dc.contributor.editorKirk Jensen-
dc.descriptionEcology studies interactions among organisms and between or- ganisms and their environment in nature and is also concerned with the effects that organisms have on the inanimate environ- ment. It is concerned with not only what kind of air a species must have but also what effect that species has on the air. This book is not an elementary ecology textbook. A textbook would be longer and more didactic. Ideally it would present a survey of what is being done by the 7,600 members of the American Ecological Society and their students and collabora- tors, and it would prepare students for more advanced, special- ized books covering one or more of the sixteen subdivisions of the science of ecology that are listed by the society. This book is simply a description of what happens outdoors today. What has been happening outdoors for the past billion or so years? Has it changed much and is it likely to change further? How do you and I fit into the changes and the constancies? I have two goals. One is to enhance appreciation of the pleas- ure and beauty to be found in nature. Another goal is to help in- dividual citizens understand the real and unreal assertions about existing problems and impending disasters in nature-
dc.publisherOxford University Pressen_US
dc.titleA Citizen's Guide to Ecologyen_US
Appears in Collections:Environmental and Development Studies

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