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Title: Women and Gender in Medieval Europe an Encyclopedia
Authors: Schaus, Margaret
Keywords: Women
Issue Date: 2006
Publisher: Routledge
Description: Women and Gender in Medieval Europe: An Encyclopedia addresses many areas of medieval women’s activities, including female patronage of the arts and the church, female mysticism and devotional practices, women’s medicine and understandings of the female body, and women’s roles in politics and diplomacy. Gender issues are also of prime importance, and so masculinity is addressed in a variety of medieval contexts, ranging from chivalric tournaments to medieval views of St. Joseph. Identification and analysis of medieval gender roles provide an important context for understanding women’s roles: a discussion of the norms and expectations for men provides the factual information needed to situate and compare the norms and expectations for women.
ISBN: 978‑0‑415‑96944‑4
Appears in Collections:Gender

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