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Title: Social Sciences for an Other Politics Women Theorizing Without Parachutes
Authors: Graham, J.K. Gibson
Ana Cecilia Dinerstein
Keywords: Women Theorizing Without Parachutes
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan
Description: The story of this book begins with an intuition. I had an idea that made me happy and I had to pursue it. As I was walkinghomefromworkthatday,Iwassmilingalone,duetothejoybrought about by the simple thought that others would feel the same and would join in. I thought of several female academic-activists who I admire,read and cite inmyownwork,whoIknowinpersonorwhoseworkIfollow,andwhoIfeel closeto.Ibelievedthatwewerealldoingsomethingverysimilar,despitethe obvious differences in the topics or areas of study. What was it? I considered several ideas. Clearlywe wereall critical, committed, responsible, interesting. Wewerealldiscussingnewformsofcriticalthinking,prefiguration,etc.Allof whichwastrue.ButIwasnotconvinced.Afterawhile,nowhavingdinneron myown,Ithoughttomyself:whatwearedoingis ‘venturingbeyond’.Ilove thisexpressionthatBlochusesinhisThePrincipleofHope,thatis,‘thinkingis venturingbeyond’.Ihaveusedthisexpressionbefore.Venturingbeyondthe given.Másallá...and‘venturingbeyondthewire’asametaphordrawnfrom the Movement of Rural Landless Workers when they trespass by cutting the wire of a fertile but unoccupied land, to then occupy and plant their seeds.
ISBN: 978-3-319-47776-3
Appears in Collections:Gender

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