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dc.contributor.authorSen, Hia-
dc.descriptionThis book belongs to the genre of recent research which, without prejudice, builds intellectual bridges between the traditions of knowledge and education in what was once called the First World and what are today known as emerging societies. This building of bridges is not easy, it requires an empathy with intellectual traditions which are very different from each other, a social-structural analysis which is substantially regional, and the consideration of a time-frame which is essential for a sociological-anthropological study of this kind. One could not have otherwise imagined that the figure of the Bi/dungsmoratorium, which provoked much discussion decades ago in a particular context, would re-emerge in the new global social context.-
dc.publisherSpringer VSen_US
dc.subjectTime-Out’ in the Land of Apuen_US
dc.titleTime-Out’ in the Land of Apu Childhoods, Bildungsmoratorium and the Middle Classes of Urban West Bengalen_US
Appears in Collections:Gender

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