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dc.contributor.editorOreto, Garcı´a-Puchol-
dc.contributor.editorDomingo C., Salazar-Garcı-
dc.descriptionThe analysis of the Neolithisation process constitutes a recurrent theme in the scientific literature given the fundamental change for human populations implied in the transition from a hunting-fishing-gathering economy to one based on domestication and food production. Nonetheless, the majority of the regional syntheses on a European scale published to date have dealt mainly with the historical narrative of the process, focusing on discussing the Neolithisation process from a demographic and/or cultural perspective. In this respect, the work of Ammerman and Cavalli Sforza (1984) without doubt constituted a turning point in a number of aspects relevant to the study of the Neolithisation of Europe and the Mediterranean. Applying Fisher’s (1937) reaction/diffusion equation to the Neolithic expansion, they laid the foundation for current investigations of the expansion of livestock and agricultural farming on a continental scale-
dc.subjectTimes of Neolithic Transition along the Western Mediterraneanen_US
dc.titleTimes of Neolithic Transition along the Western Mediterraneanen_US
Appears in Collections:Archeology and Heritage Management

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