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Title: Accounting for density reduction and structuralloss in standing dead trees: Implications for forestbiomass and carbon stock estimates in theUnited States
Authors: Grant M Domke, Christopher W Woodall and James E Smith
Keywords: carbon accounting, forest inventory, greenhouse gas, dead wood, snag, standing dead
Issue Date: 2011
Description: The objectives of this paper are to: 1) examine the distribution of SDTs across decay classes in the FIA database, 2) compare estimates of SDT biomass based on current and adjusted estimates (i.e., incorporation of decay reductions and structural loss deductions) by tree component, diameter, and decay class, 3) estimate differences in regional population estimates between current and adjusted biomass estimation procedures, and 4) suggest refinements of proposed SDT biomass/C estimation procedures and future research directions.
Appears in Collections:Accounting and Finance

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