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Showing results 58423 to 58442 of 81962 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2006P - Vector Inverse MethodChu, Peter C.
1996P Arking Struc:TuresChrest, Anthony P
2017P atrial B breast R ReconstructionLosken, Albert
2011P Cattle Medicine CattleScott, Philip R
2002P h i l o s o p h y in the Age of s c i e n c e A n d capitaldale, g rego ry
2017P harmacogenomics In l atin a mericaQ uiñones, L uis a.
2004P Hilosophy , R Hetoric , and The E Nd of K NowledgeH. Collier, James
2000P o w e r - p l a n t control and i n s t r u m e n t a t i o n The c o n t r o l of b o i l e r s a n d HRSG s y s t e m sL i n d s l e y, David
2010P olitics in a C hanging w orld A c omparative i ntroduction To p olitical s cienceE thridge, marcuse
2011P owe r and state for motion In we s t a f r Ricavalsecchi, Pierluigi
2007P polytheistic K kidney D is easeP raker, J amens n.
2015P r i n c i p l e s o f Economics in ContextGOODWIN, NEVA
2016P r o j e c t M a n a g e m e n t S i m p l i f i e d: A S T E P - B Y- S T E P P R O C E S SBarbara, Karten
2009The P scales Assessing the Progress of Children with Special Educational NeedsNdaji, Francis
2015P u bl ic Housi ng a n d Sc hool Choic e i n a Ge n t r i f i e d Ci t y You t h E x p e r i e nc e s of Un e v e n O p p ort u n i t yVoll m a n M a k r i s, Molly
2007P1:KNP9780521884266preCUFX178/Paust978 0 521 88426 6July27,200711:45BEYOND THE LAWThe Bush Administration’s UnlawfulResponses in the “War” on TerrorJ. PAUST, JORDAN
2014P3HT Revisited – from Molecular Scale to Solar Cell DevicesLudwigs, Sabine
2017P5 Medicine and JusticeDavide Ferrara, Santo
2013p53 ProtocolsDeb, Sumitra